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There are currently 17 names in this directory beginning with the letter C.
Call over
this may be the first or subsequent time a case is heard at court. Also referred to as a “mention”.

Certified copy
a copy of an original document that has been confirmed as true and correct by an authorised person, such as a solicitor or justice of the peace.

Child Support
is a payment that is usually paid by one parent to the other, for the financial support of children after parents separate.

a list of events and the date they took place, usually listed from the first event (oldest) to the last event (newest).

is the date on which two people begin living together as a couple on a genuine domestic basis.

Collaborative Law
is a dispute resolution process in which the clients and their lawyers enter into a Participation Agreement to negotiate an outcome which does not involve litigation.

Commonwealth Courts Portal
the online portal for the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia. Also known as Comcourts or “the portal”. The primary way that court documents are filed and orders received from the court.

Conciliation Conference
is a mediation type conference held at the court and run by a Registrar. A conciliation conference aims, if possible, to help the parties reach an agreement in relation to financial issues.

Consent order
If parties have reached an agreement, that agreement can be approved by the court and become a court order.

Consent with admissions
agreeing to an Intervention Order being made against you and agreeing to the facts included in the application.

Consent without admissions
agreeing to an Intervention Order being made against you but not agreeing with the facts included in the application.

is when a court finds that a party has not complied with or breached a court order.

to transfer a property from one owner to another.

Costs orders
a court order that a party must pay all or part of another party’s legal costs.

see Barrister.

Court fees
fees that are charged by the court to file documents and hear a matter.

a term not longer used under the Family Law Act. Instead, the law now refers to the which party the children will live with. That is based on the position that children are not property which one party has custody of and allows the other party to have access to.