Useful Websites


Frequently Used Documents

Child Support


Government Resources

Relationship Resources

Helpful Reading Material


For women

For men

Regarding finances

Housing issues

Family Violence

  • The Orange Door: a free service for adults, children and young people who are experiencing or have experienced family violence and families who need extra support with the care of children
  • Safe steps: the state-wide access point for those who need to leave a violent situation and access emergency crisis accommodation. Call safe steps on 1800 015 188 for help 24/7
  • 1800RESPECT: a national sexual assault, domestic family violence counselling service can be contacted on 1800 737 732 to provide counselling, information and support services.
  • Victoria Police
  • Your local Magistrates’ Court
  • Application for family violence intervention order can be made via the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria website if it is safe to do so. Applications can still be made in person at court if that is the safest option.
  • WIRE: the Women’s Information Referral Service’s telephone support service assists Victorian women, nonbinary and gender-diverse people. WIRE can provide assistance to families in financial hardship and situations of financial abuse and family violence.
  • Men’s Referral Service provides help and support for people at risk of family violence on 1300 766 491.
  • Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 1800 806 292.
  • In case of an emergency, always call 000.

What is Collaborative Law?

Useful links

Professional Bodies

Research Organisations
